At the upper part of the interior dome a depiction of aמ eagle could be hardly seen. It is surrounded by verses:
ואשא אתכם על כנפי נשרים ואבא אלי [שמות יט, ד]. כנשר יעיר קנו על גוזליו ירחף יפרוש כנפיו יקחהו ישאהו על אברתו [דברים לב יא]. ה' בדד ינחנו ואין עמו אל נכר [דברים לב, יב].
(And how I bare you on eagles' wings, and brought you unto myself (Ex. 19: 4). As an eagle that stirs up its nest and hovers over its young that spreads its wings to catch them and carries them aloft (Deut. 32:11). The Lord alone led him; no foreign god was with him (Deut. 32:12)).
Under those verses a wide band is painted, with figures of four eagles.
Under this band, the Zodiac signs are arranged in a circle. The round depiction of each sign is framed by a verse, which includes words allusing to the name of the sign. The names of the months are writen in white bands which connect between the circles.
The Zodiac signs start with the sign of Nisan (Aries) above the Torah ark.
A depiction of a lying ram represents Aries. It is framed with a verse:
יוסף ה' שמ? לקיים דברי נביאיו [?] כרעה עדרו ירעה ובזרועו יקבץ טלאיו [ישעיהו מ, יא]
A depiction of a lying bull represents Taurus. It is framed with a verse:
א? ת?פוץ ???? צדק ש????? ומדיא ומנחה בשמן בלולה ... צדק
A depiction of three hares running in a circle represents Gemini. It is framed with a verse:
זכור בניך מול הר חורב ?? דגשת הימים בירח הנקרא תאומים
A depiction of a crab represent Cancer. It is framed with a verse:
שעה שעות עם המ??דים שמ? פעמים בזריזות כסרטן הגודל במים
A depiction of a lying lion represents Leo. It is framed with a verse:
ארי שאג מי לא יירא ה' דבר מי לא ינבא [עמוס ג, ח]
A depiction of two shofarot represents Virgo. It is framed with a verse:
הרימי כשופר קולך להתחנן בכל לב לא קום בתולת ישראל [עמוס ה, ב]
A depiction of scales represents Libra. It is framed with a verse:
... משאלות לבי לטו.... .ריע צדקנו כמאזנים
From the depiction of Scorpio and the accompanying verse, only two words are visible: חסד נעורים
From the depiction of Sagittarius and the accompanying verse, only several words are visible:
הקשת אשר יהיה בענן [יחזקאל א, כח]
A depiction of a lying goat represents Capricorn. It is framed with a verse:
יהי צדק אזור במתניו .... אמונה אזור חלציו ובימי נמר עם גדי ירבץ [לפי ישעיהו יא ה]
A depiction of a well represents Aquarius. It is framed with a verse:
יזל מים מדליו וזרעו במים רבים וירם מאגג מלכו ותנשא מלכותו [במדבר כד, ז]
A depiction of two fish represents Pisces. It is framed with a verse:
??? ה' עליכם כפלי כפלים לא ישלוט עליכם ???? ???? דגי שבמי'
Under the Zodics, large vignittes are depicted.
In the lower part of the dome, the Torah ark is surmounted by the Tablets of the Law, crowned by a winged crown. On its right side are situated a circle with an illegible verse, a crown inscribed כתר כהונה (Crown of Priesthood), an altar (?) inscribed עמוד ע', and the Tree of Knowledge with the snake, inscribed ולקחתם לכם ביום הראשון פרי עץ הדר [ויקרא כג, מ.
At the next segment of the dome, there is a depiction of Jerusalem inscribed ירושלים עיר הקודש (the holy city of Jerusalem). An animal (lion?) is running towards Jerusalem among trees, and a ship sails towards it as well.
| Shulhoyf (Shkolishche), Grazhdanskaia St.
H | Hare | Three hares running in a circle
J | Jerusalem
C | Crowns, the Four (listed according to Misnah, Avot, 4:13) | Crown of Priesthood
S | Ship
T | Tablets of the Law
E | Eden, Garden of | Tree of Knowledge | Tree of Knowledge with snake
Z | Zodiac Signs | Gemini (Twins), Zodiac Sign of Sivan
Z | Zodiac Signs | Cancer (Crab), Zodiac Sign of Tammuz
Z | Zodiac Signs | Leo (Lion), Zodiac Sign of Av
Z | Zodiac Signs | Virgo (Virgin), Zodiac Sign of Elul
Z | Zodiac Signs | Libra (Scales), Zodiac Sign of Tishrei
Z | Zodiac Signs | Capricorn (Kid), Zodiac Sign of Tevet
Z | Zodiac Signs | Aquarius (Bucket), Zodiac Sign of Shvat
Z | Zodiac Signs | Pisces (Fish), Zodiac Sign of Adar
Z | Zodiac Signs | Aries (Lamb), Zodiac Sign of Nisan
Z | Zodiac Signs | Taurus (Bull), Zodiac Sign of Iyyar
E | Eagle | Eagle accompanied by the verse 'and how I bare you on eagles' wings, and brought you unto myself' (Ex. 19: 4)
E | Eagle | Eagle accompanied by the verse 'As an eagle that stirs up its nest and hovers over its young' (Deut. 32:11)
E | Eagle | Eagle, displayed
Biuleten' manitorynhu histarychnai prastory, 1/2016: Sinahohi Belarusi, pp. 146-149 with photos of 1937.