The flat silver rimon consists of a shaft and a body.
The cylindrical tapering shaft is decorated with a pattern of fish scales. The flat pear-shaped body is surmounted by a Star^of^David and constructed of a single plate inscribed and decorated on both sides. A pattern of foliate scrolls frames the central inscription on both sides of the body. Drop-shap bells hang from the body's wavy rim. The inscription which read in linear letters start on the upper front side and continue on the back side. In the center of the Star^of^David it reads: "כתר##תורה" "Crown^of^Torah". Below it appears a depiction of a wall and behind it a bird on a tree between a domed house and a tower. The inscription continues in horizontal lines: "זה הכתר הקדשתי##לעילוי נשמת מרת אמי##מרים בת ה"מ)מרוחם( מ"ו)מולא( יהודא בצל" "This Crown I dedicated for the exaltation of my mother Mrs. Miriam daughter of who has found mercy, Mullah Yehuda Bazal" Below the inscription appears a landscape with a river, trees and mountains. A sun rising out of the sea is depicted at the bottom of the body. On the sun is inscribed the name: "משה##נעמת" "Moshe Naamat" On the back side of the rimon , the Star^of^David contains two fish and the inscription: "מגן דויד" "Magen^David". Below it are depicted two buildings, a ston wall and three trees. The inscription is continued on the back side, starts in two horizontal lines and continues in a Star^of^David's arms which is engraved at the body's center and reads:
"שנפטר לעיר##כאבול בחמישי## בשבת שישה עשר לחוד')ש( מרחשון תשכו ונקבר לעיר הראת בע'שק')ערב שבת קודש( י"ז לחוד)ש( חשון תנ"צבהא )תהא נשמתו צרורה בצרור החיים אמן("
" Who passed away in the city of Kabul on thursday 16 in the month of Heshvan (5)726 and buried in the city of Herat on Holy Sabbath evening 17 in the monnth Heshvan, may her soul be bound up in the bond of life, Amen.
A boat on a sea with a fish appears inside the Star^of^David. Two fish are depicted at the bottom of the body of the rimon.