The one leveled silver Torah crown consists of a base, arms and an apex.
The coronet-like base is composed of a circumpheral band that bears the signs of the zodiac within medallions (11476). Between the medallions is a pattern of circles. Two arch-like bands are rised from the base and form four arms decorated with a pattern of foliate scrolls. Between the arms are four openwork medallions inscribed with a dedicatory inscription. The inscription is writen around each medallion in square fieled letters:
וכל הנשים אשר נשא לכם אותנה בחכמה הביאו / את תרומת ה' למלאכת אוהל מועד ולכל עבודתו / וישם כ... / זאת נדבה האשה דברוש בת מוהרר [מורנו ורבנו הרב] יצחק זצ"ל [זכר צדיק לברכה]
"And all the women whose heart stirred them up in wisdom brought the Lord's offering to the work of the tabernacle of the congragation and for all his servise...(based on verses from Ex. 35:21,26) this is the donation of the woman Dvorush, daughter of our teacher Rabbi R. Isaac, the righteous, of blessd memory"
The medalions are decorated intermitently with a pattern of a Star of David and a double head eagle.