The fragment of the mural of vault of the northern room.
The mural of the barrel vault of the northern room are divided on three panels (bands). The crowned two-headed heraldic eagle is depicted in the central band.
On the eagle's breast is an inscription, in which the date of the painting, 1712, was marked. However, not all the letter in the inscriptions are visible, i.e., it is not excluded that the murals was made later. The inscription:
ואשא אתכם על כנפי נשרים ואבא אתכם אלי לפ"ק (שמות יט:ד)
Tail eagle rests on a medallion with an inscription:
כי גבהו שמים על הארץ גבר חסדו על יראיו (תהלים קג:יא)
Turkey and birds are entered in the weaving vine in the left band from the eagle.
Stork fish and grotesques are entered in the weaving vine in the right band from the eagle.
Two bears and two griffins support medallions on the outer left band.
Two bears support a medallion with inscription:
כי אתה תאיר נרי וד׳ אלהי יגיה חשכי (שמואל"ב כב:כט)
Two griffins support a medallion with inscription:
משמים הביט יהוה ראה את כל בני האדם (תהלים לג:יג)
Two snakes support a medallion with inscription on the outer right band:
צדק לפניו יהלך וישם לדרך פעמיו (תהלים פה:יד)
S | Stork
B | Bird
F | Fish | Fish, fantastic
T | Turkey (bird)
G | Grotesque
B | Bear
G | Griffin
S | Serpent (Snake)