Fol. 11v: A stag in a pulpit is preaching to the ox, ram and fox. The caption above reads: “Image of the stag expounding, standing before all and preaching” (צורת הצבי מפרש, ובפני הכל עומד ודורש; Loewe 2004, I:89).
Depicting the stag as the preacher rather than the fox, reverses the role of the stag with that of the devious animal (Gronemann 2006, I:191-192).
For depictions of the same subject in the other 15th-century copies of Meshal ha-Kadmoni see Appendix 1: line 11. For other iconographical examples see fig. 1-2:
Fig. 1: Aesop's Fables, Woodcut, 1479. Verona, Bibl. Capitolare, fol. 1. (Gronemann 2006, II:fig. 152) |
Fig. 2: Misericord, England, Ripon Cathedral, 15th century. (Gronemann 2006, II:fig. 153) |
For the Rothschild Miscellany, see IJA 1982/1/99.