The pages (MS I:16v-17 - figs. 3-4) include the order of the single and paired pericopes which were traditionally read either together or separately in the 14 possible types of year.
The initial word כולם (all) at the top of fol. 16v is written in display letters in brown ink, shaped as a folded ribbon, with grotesque masks on the stems. The ascender of the lamed ends in a bird of prey and the stem terminates in a grotesque profile. The smaller initial word כל (all) is similarly decorated.
The lower half of the same page includes the order of the four Special Sabbaths in ordinary and leap years, written in two columns in alternating red, brown and yellow ochre lines and flanked by gold leaf roundels. The page is decorated in the lower margin with two confronting green birds standing on amorphous trees (for a similar depiction see MS I:6-infold). Large golden roundels are scattered over the page.