Memorial Name
No official name
Who is Comemmorated?
Holocaust Victims from the Jewish community of Sombor
The monument is erected by the entrance to the cemetery, on the left-hand side. The memorial is a tall, wide, rectangular structure of worked stone with a stepped upper edge. In the upper section is a white marble plaque placed horizontally with identical commemorative inscriptions in Serbo-Croatian and Hebrew. On both sides of this plaque are engraved Magen Davids. Ten white marble panels with the victims' names are mounted on the structure on both sides of the memorial (five at the front and five at the back). The names of the victims are engraved in Serbo-Croatian in alphabetical order.
Horizontal Plaque
המצבה הבכוה הזאת
נקדשה לזכר כל איש ואיש מחברי ק"ק סומבור, מזקניה וזקנותיה, בחוריה ובתולותיה עד יונקי שדים
שלא חטאו וגמולי מחלב שלא פשעו הנחנקים ונשחטים נהרגים ונשרפים בידי רצחני הפשיזם ונאציזם האכזריוה
ומגואלות בהם בקי של צאן הרשים ומובילה ככליל על מזבח דתה ולאומיותם בשנות המלחמה העולמית השנייה שהיא עת צרה
שלא היתה כמותה ליעקב
Ova spomen-ploča posvećena je svakom pojedinačnom članu somborske jevrejske veroispovedne opštine
počev od staraca i starica pa preko mladića i devojaka sve do nevine odojčadi odvojene od majčinog
mleka i nejake dece, svima onima koji su nemilostivim i oskrnavljevim rukama fašističkih i
nacističkih dželata obešeni, ubijeni, zaklani, spaljeni i odvedeni, koji su mučeničkom smrću kao
žrtve stradali na oltaru za svoju veru i narodnost u godinama Drugog svetskog rata
bezprimernog po svom vandalizmu i bedi u istoriji Izraela
Commissoned by
Jewish community (?)