Fol. 117: The page contains the end of Exodus and the beginning of Leviticus. The end of Exodus is written on the upper half of the page in shaped text forming two triangles, one within the other with a space between them. The text is flanked by two micrographic medallions inhabited by two-legged winged hybrids facing each other, composed of a winged lion's body and a bird's head for a tail.
The initial word of Leviticus ויקרא (And the Lord called) is written in the middle of the page in brown ink display letters (height c.5 lines), the stems decorated with small rosettes.
The decorated massorah magna in the lower margin is in the form of interlacing bands terminating on the left with a drawing of a dragon's head with open mouth from which issues a micrographic foliate scroll.
O | Ornamentation: | Inhabited medallion
H | Hybrid animal (See also Griffin) | Two-legged hybrid
O | Ornamentation: | Shaped text
O | Ornamentation: | Masorah in micrography, interlace