The rectangular parokhet consists of three pieces of cloth in varying sizes , arranged one on top of the other, the smallest piece at the center of the composition.
The uppermost scarlet piece bears a depiction of the sacrifice of Isaac surrounded by a foliate frame. On the middle piece of the cloth, framing the scene of the sacrifice of Isaac is an arch supported by columns and topped by a crown.
Below the central piece and between the bases of the columns is a depiction of the circumcision of Isaac, inserted in between the lines of an inscription.
In the scene of the circumcision, a man wearing a tallit is seated on a high Elijah chair, his legs resting on a foot stool with Isaac as a baby wrapped in his arms. Abraham stands next to him stretching out his hand towards him, in order to perform the ritual.
An inscription written on either side of the scene reads:
“And Abraham circumcised Isaac “(Gen. 21:4).
The framing inscription is embroidered in six rows of square letters (the large letters indicate the date) and reads:
“And I will make my covenant between me and thee and will multiply thee exceedingly “ (Gen. 17:2). “Donated and dedicated on the day of the first fruit, and ye shall offer a new meat offering unto the Lord that it may be a holy convocation unto you the Lord will live with all his loving kindness “ (based on verses from Levi. 23: 16 - 21).
The crown mounted over the arch, is flanked on either side by a rampant regardant lion. An inscription that flanks the crown, one word on either side reads:
“Crown of Torah.” Below the arch is another inscription which reads:
“I have set the Lord always before my eyes” (Ps. 16:8).
The arch is supported by two twisted columns. Scrolled vine with clusters of grapes surround the columns. Each column is supported by a square base decorated with a lion, and is surmounted by a foliate capital with a vase and flowers. Below each column are three circles.
A frame of silver threads surrounds the center of the parokhet leaving wide borders around it. Foliate scrolls decorate the upper and lower borders and an identical pattern of silver threads frames the parokhet.
The scene of the sacrifice of Isaac, incorporating Hebrew inscriptions, is depicted in the center of the parokhet, against a red background. Non of the figures have facial features.
Isaac, whose hands are tied, kneels on the fagots arranged in a rectangular lattice on the ground. The fire for the altar burns in an amphora at the front of the scene. Abraham who stands on the left behind Isaac, places his left hand on Isaac’s head, while lifting a sword in his right hand. Above their heads is the following inscription:
“The Sacrifice of Isaac.”
A brick altar with an arched opening is located on the right in front of a small tree.
Above and below the altar is inscribed:
“And he (Abraham) built an altar there” (Gen. 22:9) .
A clothed and winged angel appears from behind a rounded cloud on the right upper corner. He points towards a tall tree to the left of Abraham, in which the ram is caught. Above the angel is inscribed :
“ And the angel of the Lord called unto him “ (Gen. 22:9).
The ram is seen on the left at the bottom of the tree with its front legs in the air. Next to it is an inscription: “Ram (caught) by its horns .” Above the tree is inscribed: “Tree of life.”