P. 8r. The text is from Song of Solomon 1:1. It is in a Decalogue Table shaped frame. Two lamps are hanged from its upper part, shine above the text. The text frame itself is within a rectangle decorative frame. The title is written in Hebrew block letters. Tow orange griphons are standing on the inner frame's top. Between them a sign hangs from the external frame with a chain. A harp is depicted on the sign and a drop-shaped medalion is hanged on it. A vine climbes around the inner frame. Twigs, green leaves and purple grapes aer represeted. On the right wing stands a parrot and on the left one stands a peacock or a cock in full colors. At the buttom of the inner frame King Solomon is seated on his throne wearing a purple robe, while playing a harp. Three lions lie down the throne. The scene takes place at an arched porch, throughout which the temple is viewed.