Fol. 9v: Top margin: A young man pointing at the text. Inscribed: התם לפי תומו שואל/ מה זאת ומי הגואל “The simple son asks in his simplicity: ‘what is this” and who is the redeemer?’.” Below: A young fool, dressed as a jester, pointing at the text. Inscribed: שאינו יודע לשלול את פתח לו/ כי הוא כסיל מכל קהלו “He who does not know how to ask, you should teach him, for he is the most foolish of all his community.”
Lower margin: In the centre, a man and a woman carrying an axe and shovels while treading mortar. On the left a man builds a brick wall. On the right the crowned Moses looking backwards and holding a man by the hair. Inscribed above the workers: היהודי תוך הטיט עומד/ והמצרי אשתו שכב וחמד “The Jew stands within the mortar, while the Egyptian lay with his wife and desired her.” (Ex. Rabbah, 1, 28) Near Moses: משה כה וכה פנה/ ויטמן המצרי בחול באות' עונה “Moses looked this way and that way (≠ Ex. 2:12), and hid the Egyptian in the sand at the same time.”
H | Haggadah, Passover (Listed according to the text of the Haggadah; See also separate biblical subjects in this list) | The Main part of the Haggadah (arranged with the Ritual Acts (Seder Signs) interspersed with the main components of the text of the Haggadah): | Maggid (the narration) | Maggid-5: The baraita of the Four Sons | Sons, the Four, the son who does not know how to ask
I | Israelites | Israelites in bondage in Egypt
M | Moses | Moses slaying the Egyptian