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Beit Hatefutzot, №2397, №2398, №128626, №4379;
Paul Cernovodeanu, “The Jews of Moldova and Wallachia During the Phanariot Regime (1711–1821),” in The History of the Jews in Romania, vol. 1: From Its Beginnings to the Nineteenth Century, ed. Paul Cernovodeanu (Tel Aviv: Tel Aviv University, 2005), p. 99;
M.A. Halevy, “Comunităţile evreişti din Iaşi şi Bucureşti, pînă la Zaveră (1821),” Sinai: Anuar de studii judaice 3 (Bucharest, 1931), p. 79;
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Pinkas Hakehilot: Romania, eds. Jean Anchil and Theodor Lavi (Jerusalem, 1980), vol. 1, p. 146;
Lucian Zeev Herşcovici, "Iaşi", The YIVO Encyclopedia of Jews in Eastern Europe, vol. 1, p. 793;