Thick brown leather on large wooden boards with curved (?)/embossed? decoration on front and back covers and on the spine. The decoration on the front cover is composed of medallions arranged in three vertical rows. The two side rows contain five medallions each, while the central one contains ten smaller medallions above and below of which are illustrative panels. The medallions on the sides enclose animals, hybrids or dragons and two of them contain naked human figures. Both illustrative panels depict a man on horseback fighting a dragon with a long lance pushed into its mouth. The dragon in the upper panel is seated while the dragon in the lower one is standing. The back cover is decorated with a central illustrative panel surrounded by a frame of fleur-de-lys motifs. The illustration depicts two riders, the one at the top is accompanied by a bird (an eagle?). The spine is divided into six sections by five raised split cords, each section containing an animal or a hybrid. Five metals bosses on each cover and two metal clasps and straps are now missing. The inner side of the leather cover has unidentified text in Hebrew letters on mirror side as a result of an inscribed parchment, which is now gone; its text came off on to the leather. In the lower part of the inner side of the back cover inscribed in mirror letters for the first three lines: "דגים קטנים לבדיקה הם .. כידונינו [ כי דומעים?] / ועצי אפונים צריכין בדיקה והם בחונים בצדק/ בית מלח וצרי גלוים לבדיקה הם האויים/