Memorial Name
No official name
Who is Commemorated?
Jewish Holocaust victims from the Rohatyn district and the surrounding areas, who were murdered and buried here
The Monument is located at the mass grave in the North of Rohatyn. It is a concrete block-form of composition monument. There are two black plaques with inscriptions in Ukrainian and English at the top of the Monument. A third plaque, with an inscription in Hebrew and a Magen David, is attached to the front side of the block. The monument is surrounded by a metal fence, and a part of its front section has the form of a Menorah worked into it.
In Ukrainian:
Тут поховані тисячі
євреїв жителів міста
Рогатина та його
околиць по-звірячому
вбитих німецькими
нацистами в 1943 році.
Вічна память
Translation: Here are buried thousands of Jews, residents of the city of Rohatyn and its surroundings, brutally killed by nazis in 1943. Eternal memory
In English:
Here lie thousands
of Jews citizens
of Rohatyn and its
surrounding areas
who were brutally
killed by the
German Nazis
during the years of
1942 – 1944
God rest their souls
In Hebrew
פנ [פה נטמן]
אלפי קורבנות של יהודים תושבי רוהאטין
והסביבה שנרצחו ע"י [=על ידי] הנאצים בשנות 1942-4
הי"ד [=השם יקום דמם]
Translation: Here rest thousands of victims of Jewish residents of Rohatyn and surroundings who were killed by the hands of nazis in the years 1942-4 / May God avenge their blood
Commissioned by
Rohatyn Jewish Holocaust survivors and their descendants