The square prayer hall (9,5x9,5m) covered with a groin vault with lunettes. The narrow window of the women's section, which adjacent to the north side to the prayer hall, situated on the upper floor between the lunettes. Fragments of polychrome of blue colors are preserved on the vault and lunettes. This coloring emphasized the architectural design. However, such a set of coloring, was probably made during the reconstruction in 1930. (Piechotka, M., and K. Piechotka, Bramy Nieba: Bóznice murowane na ziemiach dzwnei Rzeczypospolitej, p.141). In accordance with the description of Kandel, published in 1912: “The vault were covered with varios images of mystical animals representing the twelve months of the year, as well as fragments of Scripture”.( Kandel Dawid, “Bóźnica w Pinczowie”, Kwartalnik poświęcony badaniu przeszłości Żydow w Polsce, R.I,1912, z.II – dodatek, Bóznices starożytne w Polsce, s.25-35)
Traces from inscriptions are visible on the walls and on the both sides from the niche of Torah ark. The magnificent renaissance Torah ark were completely renovated in the 2000s. The picture from 1994 show only niche from the Torah ark.