The entire Book of Jonah is written on the r (reverse) side of 2018.5 in cursive or block lettering of different sizes, thicknesses, and densities without punctuation. It is written in four parts: Chapter 1 in the form of a rectangular block in the upper right corner; Chapter 2 in the parallel upper left corner in the same size and shape as Chapter 1; Chapter 3 is upside down in long lines across the bottom of the sheet; Jonah 4 is placed directly above Chapter 3 and is written in the same way. Chapter 1 is written on 15 lines in small densly packed cursive and/or block letters letters, sometimes mixed in the same word. Some words are highlighted by larger or bolder letters. The prophet's name is written in full block letters in the second line. יונה On the third (1:4) and tenth lines (1:11|) the word "wind"/"wrought" (the same words in Hebrew) is written with a large "Ayn" letter. "סער" On the 14th line the words "and the sea ceased from her raging" (1:15) are written in wide block letters as one word. Chapter 2 is written on 11 lines, mostly in wide, thick, block letters. Verses 2:1, on the first line and 2:11 on the 11th line (first and last verses), are written in small, thin cursive letters. The largest and widest letters are written in lines 4-7, for verses 2:4-7. Chapter 3 is written in four straight lines along the bottom of the page, in block, cursive letters, mostly small in size, but with thicker bolder letters. For instance, in the second line: "Yet forty days and Nineveh shall be overthrown" (Jonah 3:4) "עוד ארבעים יום ונינוה נהפכת" also on the second line: "and proclaimed a fast, and put on a sackcloth" (Jonah 3:5); "ויקראו צום וילבשו שקים" and on the third line: "Let neither man nor beast, herd nor flock, taste any thing" (Jonah 3:7). The last words of the fourth line are crossed out by a zig-zag line although the chapter is complete. "האדם והבבהמה הבקר והצאן אל יטעמו מאומה אל ירעו ומים אל" Chapter 4 is written on seven and a half lines, beginning with with small letters which progressively grow larger, wider and bolder, similar to Jonah as written on the v side (Ma.2018.5).