Vol. I, fol. 69: A large initial word panel with four corner medallions for the piyyut נשאתי אימך (I suffer thy terrors; Davidson, Thesaurus, א 2976( for the morning service for the Day of Atonement, occupies the upper part of the page. The display letters of the initial word אימך(Thy terrors (are in magenta colour filled with twisted acanthus leaves and dragons outlined in a lighter shade with white highlights. The stems of the letters are decorated with bell-like flowers. The blue ground of the panel is filled with delicate white scrolls and its frame with green hybrids on an olive-green ground. Two confronting hooded and bearded hybrids with grotesque faces and leafy tails are crouching at the top and bottom of the frame. On the left, a hooded ape is scratching its back and on the right a lion is dancing and playing a musical instrument.
The corner medallions are inhabited by blue animals on a gold-leaf ground overpainted with magenta. The two upper medallions have a winged dragon; in the lower right is a lion sejant regardant and in the lower left a stag trippant.
| Cod. hebr. 3/I- II (Steinschneider 1895, No. 3)