The length of the sheets in the scroll: 1) 518 mm, 2) 585 mm, 3) 250 mm.
The scroll is formed of 3 sheets containing 11 columns of text with 31 or 32 lines, except for col. 9 with 11 lines divided into two parts.
The number of columns per sheet: no. 1 - , nos. 2 and 3 - .
The text is inscribed in the Hebrew square Ashkenazi script, in black ink, on the flesh side of parchment membranes.
The letter ח (Es. 1:6) is formed of two parts joined with a roof and decorated with scrolled feet. The letter ת (Es. 9:29) is enlarged and bolded. Other enlarged and diminished letters are included in col. 9.
The ruling and pricking are invisible.
The membranes are glued that in the scrolls was a less frequently used method of joining the sheets than stitching.
This megillah belongs to a group of scrolls sharing similar ornamentation possibly executed by the same artistic milieu(s). For similar scrolls in the Index see IDs: 37874.