The initial word “Remember us” זכרנו, which begins the section of the Amidah recited during theTen Days of Penitence, is written in bold square Ashkenazi script in dark brown ink. The letters are surrounded with pink and green lines, within a rectangular panel, which occupies 2/3 of the width of the text space. The panel, which is filled with pink & green sprays ending in pinkish & green dots on spare ground technique, is surrounded by a band of half palmet running motif in pinkish ink. The right corners of the panel end with clover blossoms & the left corners ends with trifoils. Green tendrils surround all sides of the panel and extend into the outer margin.
At the middle of the page is the initial word “”Thou” אתה, which is part of the Amidah prayer. The word which is written in bold square Ashkenazic script in dark brown ink, is within a rectangular panel filled with green scrolls enclosing palmet motifs on spare ground technique. Tendrills extend from all sides of the panel.